Traveler Defined

We’ve arrived in Hawaii! Put up against the closest culture to our own that we’ve seen yet, we’ve realized a few odd patterns that we’ve picked up along the way. For this week’s blog post we decided to make a list of the “normal” ways we live our lives now being travelers. 

You know you’re a traveler when:

  • You save the rubber bands off of produce at the grocery store because you know it will come in handy later

  • You save receipts so you’ll have paper to write on 

  • You know all the creative ways to hang clothes to dry in any kind of room 

  • You’ve started debating how to make a shirt that says “no I don’t want a taxi” on the front of it 

  • You get excited for days when you know you’ll be able to eat your favorite foods

  • You know how to navigate a grocery store in 4 different languages

  • You use coconut oil for cooking, lotion, massages, seasoning, conditioner, and deodorant

  • You always carry toilet paper, sunscreen, and hand sanitizer with you 

  • You’ve nailed the squatty potty squat

  • You know how to identify the places with free drinking water from miles away 

  • You can wash everything you own in a sink

  • You can shower with a pot of hot water and a mug 

  • You can sleep through a rave, thunderstorm, and earthquake 

  • You look forward to long bus rides to keep up with your podcasts 

  • You can instantly convert the US dollar into 4 different currencies 

  • You can say thank you and hello I’m at least 5 languages and act out your basic needs to cover the fact that you don’t know anything else 

  • You can find a grocery store, restaurant, hotel, and yoga studio within 8 hours of landing in a new country 

  • You stopped wondering why everyone’s staring at you 

  • You’ve memorized your passport number 

  • You gave up on helping people try to pronounce your name correctly and have submitted to being Mexican (Mia) and a girl (Lauren.) 

  • You find toilet paper and probiotics left in your pockets

  • You’ve stopped trying to plan your days

Anything we’ve left out? We would love to hear your travel realizations too! 👣 🐾

Larry Lacerte