“To play a wrong note is insignificant; to play without passion is inexcusable.” -Ludwig van Beethoven
This quote attributed to Ludwig van Beethoven really got to me. I remember when ‘messing up’ at a gig would really throw me off for awhile- a bum note, or a messed up lyric would stand out in my mind all night. When I really started paying attention at shows I attended for fun, I noticed the ‘pros’ messing up too and loved them more for it. As long as the passion is there, the essence of what is being communicated will get through.
Tomorrow, I am releasing a contemplative solo guitar piece named ‘Windblown.’ (Thank you Mia for the cover artwork!) It has a ‘leaf in the wind’ quality to it. Guitar helps me process the world. I wrote this song last fall while traveling in Canada. I was getting homesick. The thing is, all aspects of home had started to fade away. I was forgetting. I knew the feeling, but not the place. I later recorded it while house sitting in Winthrop, WA in the upstairs bedroom of our quiet cabin. It’s far from perfect, but it is consistent with my ‘work to publish’ ethos and I’m proud of it all the same. 🐾
Give it a listen HERE