Back To It

It’s been a minute. Time to get back to it. So here goes…

What have we been up to? 

We’ve been trying to take full advantage of the short but sweet summer here in the mountains of Colorado.  I’m hoping for some crispy warm autumn days to come, but as I’m writing this, it’s snowing after being in the mid-seventies yesterday.  We’ve been getting in some hikes, some mountain biking, some kayaking, some SUP boarding, a bit of camping and a couple road trips mixed in with working on our businesses and finding other ways to be creative and stay busy as we explore this strange new world.  Recently, we spent some time road tripping out west exploring a bit of Northern California and the Oregon coastline.  It felt wonderful to travel again- albeit with some little quirks like lots of places being closed and getting used to wearing our masks everywhere.  We got to try our hand at the ‘vanlife’ thing and Mia got her wish to be on the beach for her birthday. 

So how are we doing with the quarantine and new normals?

Mia has been working hard on her yoga business.  She held an online women’s immersion in July and is now teaching weekly online yoga classes for women titled ‘Self Care Sundays.’ She has started teaching in person again too, ‘Brave Spaces Yoga,’ a collaboration with Summit Advocates for Victims of Assault.  She has been busy creating and crafting- drawing, painting, writing, reading and even making little clay bowls.  She has been doing what she can to keep up with friends and family, but is craving connection and gatherings. She misses hanging out at her favorite cafes for hours in between adventuring.  She misses teaching and connecting with people in person.  She misses hanging out with friends without the virus paranoia.  She misses traveling.

This summer has been strange but I’ve been keeping busy with side jobs, painting and landscaping, spending many hours podcasting, listening to music and enjoying the company of my own thoughts.  I’ve found my way back to a writing routine and have a new batch of songs in the works.  I’ve enjoyed stepping away from the social media machine.  It’s been a nice reset.  I’m hoping to carry some of these positives forward. I have been very thankful to have such a supportive and fun partner to share my days and musings with in this time of relative isolation.

Here’s to some brilliant September days ahead of us to get in a few more adventures before the seasons really change. 🐾

Larry Lacerte