Live in Wonder: Part 2
In Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert has interesting ways of describing many of the same phenomena. I enjoyed her take on ‘living in wonder’. When you live in wonder and live a creative life your existence is vibrant, fulfilling, and interesting. You are making the most of your time in this body, in this life, in this world. I also enjoyed her take on passion vs curiosity. Everyone wants to ‘find their passion.’ Admirable sure, but passion is the end game of a long process of exploring and experiencing the world. It’s not simply a hobby you choose at random. It’s something you do for the sake of doing it, because you love it and would do it anyways. Any desirable outcomes or dream of dreams results are not the motivation for the pursuit. It’s better to have a curiosity for the world and tune in and notice what you are attracted to? What catches your interest? What would you like to try? What experiences intrigue you? Those are your clues. Follow your curiosity clues and it will uncover passion. 🐾