Larry's Travel Memories: New Zealand

The nerves that initially came with leaving it all behind are subsiding and I’m getting really excited to get back to traveling.  I have been having all sorts of travel dreams. Leading up to this new adventure, I’d like to share a few favorite travel memories.  

This is a photo of me at Milford Sound in New Zealand from my time as a study abroad student at the University of Otago in Dunedin.  New Zealand was transformative in what I learned about myself and was my first taste of overseas international travel. The days spent backpacking and cruising around with my two car mates taught me more than my classes.  I’ve been reminiscing about all those nights car camping and the pure joy of seeing new places and being on the road. I am thankful to have had a study abroad experience while in college. It was incredibly influential in sending me down the path I am now on.

Larry Lacerte