Happy Thanksgiving!

I usually put a lot of time into thinking about Thanksgiving. I understand the inequalities and discrimination behind the holiday and I take that into consideration when celebrating for myself. I use this as a time of self reflection. I take note of the privileges in my life that I take for granted. I remind myself of the little things that allow me to live the life I desire. I acknowledge the people and places that make me fulfilled and those who push me to live up to my highest potential. 

Traveling has given me a whole new set of things to be grateful for. I think about the people, jobs, and resources that have made these last 7 months of travel possible. I think of my own privileges of knowledge, literacy, and an able body that have allowed me to work my way to here. I am grateful for the things I once scoffed at like my phone, google maps, WhatsApp, and texting that allow me to not feel so alone when I am traveling by myself. 

This week I’m in Costa Rica. I came a few days early before I start a 60-Hr Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher Training in Punta Uva. I have many uncertainties and stresses - such as the fact that it’s pouring so hard that coconuts were falling on the roof last night and jolting me awake in fear. I’m also grateful to be here. I’m grateful to be traveling and learning about the world, even when it scares me. I’m grateful to be supported by friends, family, and a partner who guides me even when I’m terrified. This will be a different Thanksgiving for me and I hope it is for you too. While I wholly support limiting social media during holidays, when you have the chance we would love to hear about what you’re grateful for. It helps us and others see different perspectives of things we may forget to acknowledge during this season of gratitude. 

Happy Thanksgiving and Pura Vida! 👣

Larry Lacerte