It Takes All Types
It has been incredible meeting people from all different types of backgrounds. It’s really brought meaning to the phrase, “it takes all types.” We’ve been particularly encouraged and inspired meeting people that look at our traveling as a ‘lifestyle change.’ You know the type. They might reminisce about travels they’ve taken that changed the course of their life. They look at the creative ways of living as part of the journey. They are some of the most genuine and inspiring people you’ll ever meet. They are infectiously positive. They tell stories of incredible resourcefulness and ingenuity. They take the bad with the good and roll with it. It’s all part of the adventure. It’s the spice of Life. And it makes for some interesting stories one day...
We recently ran into Paige P. Scheuermann from BreckCreate and had one of those encouraging and inspiring conversations. She makes interactive art from mostly recycled materials (Check it out HERE). We ran into her while strolling around Breckenridge. Thank you for a wonderful conversation! It helps keep our fires lit to keep chasing our creative pursuits and travel.
Have you had any conversations or met anyone recently that has left you inspired and fired up on life? We’d love to hear about it. It takes all types...