Come Alive
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Howard Thurman
I love this quote. There are so many topics I am passionate about, but I realize that I have a limited amount of time and brain power. We can’t be everything to everyone, just like everyone can’t solve everything. We have to choose our battles and issues we take on in this life. We have to take on what we can and not drown in all the other important issues. Instead of doing what you think you should or taking up an issue just because it’s hot in your mind, ask yourself, “What makes me come alive?” It’s alright to have a ‘lane’ and to stick to it. Ideally, your lane should leave you energized and waking up excited to get after it. If we are going to ‘wake up’ and take on large looming issues like equality, hunger, homelessness, and climate change; we’re going to need people that are well informed and committed to an issue out of passion- not because it’s simply ‘needed.’ We need people to come alive and step out of the numbing currents of routines and expectations. We need to come alive as individuals knowing that serving our own passions is what lights the fire for change in the world on a larger scale.
What makes you come alive?
Go do it! 🐾